Which counties are part of the Alabama Black Belt Heritage Area?
Are you interested in researching your family history? Make plans to attend the 10th annual Genealogy Workshop at the Old Courthouse Museum on Saturday, February 5, 2011. Registration and introductions begin at 8:30 am; programs end at 3:30 pm.
Elizabeth D. Wells, Special Collections Librarian at Samford University, and Dr. Gregory A. Waselkov, Director of the Center for Archaeological Studies at the University of South Alabama, will address “Researching Early Settlers Along the Old Federal Road” at the Museum.
A box lunch will be served at the Old Masonic Lodge in Perdue Hill, where Craig Remington, Director of the Cartographic Research Laboratory, Department of Geography at the University of Alabama, and Board Member of the Alabama Cemetery Preservation Alliance, will present a collection of very early maps of the area.
Workshop fee of $30.00 includes box lunch (pre-registration required). Contact Monroe County Heritage Museum at mchm@frontiernet.net or 251-575-7433.