Which counties are part of the Alabama Black Belt Heritage Area?
The National Center for the Study of Civil Rights and African-American Culture at Alabama State University announce the Legacy Masquerade Gala. The event includes music, dinner, door prizes and a silent auction.Guests are encouraged to dress representing historic periods or as historical figures in American or World History.
Theme: Celebrating Our Past, Building Bridges to Our Future Through Music Education
Date: February 4, 2011
Time: 7:00 P.M. ~10:00 P.M.
Location: Banquet Room, ASU Acadome
Tickets: $50
All donations are tax deductible. Please make checks payable to the ASU Foundation and mail to the National Center for the Study of Civil Rights and African-American Culture, P. O. Box 271, Montgomery, AL 36101-0271.
You may also telephone for information at 334-229-4824.
Please RSVP by January 21, 2011